Climate Safe Lending Network Convening Fall 2021

From Targets to Transition Plans: The strategies banks need to take the carbon out of credit before it’s too late

Join us for an invitation-only interactive, multi-stakeholder convening

Tuesday, September 14


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

6-10 am PST / 9 am-1 pm EST / 2-6 pm BST / 3-7 pm CET

Information about the Climate Safe Lending Network Convening Fall 2021:

We look forward to having you join us on September 14 & 15 for an immersive, reflective experience on aligning bank lending with a climate-safe world.

In preparation for this interactive gathering with climate finance leaders from across the banking system, we’ve included the following materials below:

We will send the video conference (Zoom) link for the meeting in a calendar invitation and in reminder emails.

Meeting Intent

What would it take to get a good transition plan in place to accelerate the decarbonization of lending before it’s too late?

Event Objectives

  • Build and deepen trust-based relationships between cross-sector allies working to align bank lending with climate-safe scenarios.

  • Align convening participants around the features of a Good Transition Plan that can strengthen and accelerate efforts to set and reach net-zero lending targets.

  • Build on our understanding of good transition plans within the net-zero banking landscape, and what interventions are working across the system.

  • Co-create an enhanced Good Transition Plan and practical strategies for taking the carbon out of credit that serve as a guide for banks’ transition planning process.


The convening is designed with a continuous agenda that builds on each previous segment. We kindly request that you attend the full duration of the session on both days where at all possible. If you are unable to attend part of the convening, please let us know so we can factor this in and help make arrangements to brief you on the parts you aren't able to attend.

Technology Requirements

We recommend using a laptop or desktop computer to join the session as it will be easier to participate in the interactive components of the convening. 

We will be using the following tech platforms for interactive components of the event: 

  • Zoom meetings (including the annotation function and chat function)

  • Google Docs (accessed via a web browser)

  • Poll Everywhere (accessed via a web browser on your computer, tablet or phone).

If you are unable to access any of these please let us know so we can arrange alternative options to help you fully participate. 
For support with technology during the convening please email

Accessibility & Inclusion

This convening will be highly participatory with a range of structured spaces for you to share your perspective and engage with the perspectives of others. With a diverse group of stakeholders there will be many differing views, helping us all to get a sense of how the net-zero banking landscape is experienced by others. We aim to create a space where these differences become productive energy for innovation and accelerated impact. 

Please let us know by email reply if there is anything you need from us to feel comfortable to bring your full self and your perspectives to this space - both in terms of technology and human interactions.