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Network Convenings
February 2022 Picking up the Pace: How can banks close the COP26 ambition gap?
September 2021 From Targets to Transition Plans: The strategies banks need to take the carbon out of credit before it’s too late
May 2021 Is Net-Zero Enough for Banks?
June 2019 Setting Foundations: Defining Strategic Initiatives
Find us on social media
We regularly post updates, insights, and reports from the network on LinkedIn and ’X’ (the platform formerly known as Twitter). We house our webinars and event recordings on Youtube. Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with what we’re doing.
News & Media
The Climate Safe Lending Network is regularly featured in the news, and we often publish reports, articles, and resources. Visit our Climate Safe Lending Resources page to see an archive of reports and resources from our partners and network members.
Welcoming Sally Gray as Aaron Morehouse transitions from CSLN - July 2024 As our Executive Director, Aaron Morehouse, leaves CSLN at the end of this month to pursue an incredible opportunity, we’re welcoming longtime friend of the Network, Sally Gray who is stepping in as our Interim Managing Director.
Introducing our new Executive Director, Aaron Morehouse - September 2023 Climate Safe Lending Network (CSLN) is delighted to announce the appointment of Aaron Morehouse, PhD as its new Executive Director, as James Vaccaro moves into the role of Chief Catalyst.
The Carbon Bankroll PRESS RELEASE - May 17, 2022 CSLN, with The Outdoor Policy Outfit and BankFWD, published The Carbon Bankroll, which allows companies to estimate how much their financial practices work against their ambitious goals to rein in emissions from direct and indirect operations across their value chains.
The Good Transition Plan Toolkit Launch - November 11, 2022 Interview at COP27 hosted by James Vaccaro, Climate Safe Lending Network, in collaboration with Bankers for Net Zero
Talking COP with Bankers for Net Zero - November 11, 2022 Podcast interview with guest, James Vaccaro, Climate Safe Lending Network
Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency Webinar Q&A - April 23, 2021 Webinar Q&A for the Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency report release
Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency Webinar Recording - April 21, 2021 Webinar for the Financial Stability in a Planetary Emergency report release Featuring Ali Zaidi, White House National Climate Advisor
Seeds of Change Climate Finance Policy Brief - March 26, 2021 From the The Financial Innovations Roundtable (FIR) is an annual event that works to address problems related to access to capital for low- and moderate-income consumers and communities. The FIR convenes a range of financial institutions, government agencies, foundations, and trade associations to access their expertise for problem-solving discussions
Taking the Carbon out of Credit Video Recording - July 6, 2020 Presented during London Climate Action Week