Ivan Frishberg, Design Team Member
As Chief Sustainability Officer at Amalgamated Bank, Ivan Frishberg is responsible for growing and serving the burgeoning organizations and clients that work and serve in the fields of environmental, green banking and sustainability. He has more than 25 years of public interest advocacy, organizing and policy experience and is a founding partner of FSC Partners, a climate consultancy. Ivan is a Senior Advisor on Climate for Organizing for Action, was the director of the State Climate Hub - coordinating state level efforts to implement the Clean Power Plan, and worked with the Climate Briefing Service on the intersection of US Climate Advocacy and international climate negotiations.
Previously Ivan was a senior advisor to the Climate Action Campaign. He has managed major public engagement grant programs for Pew Charitable Trusts and served as the Political Director for both Environment America and Clean Energy Works, and has been active in national electoral and advocacy campaigns.